The North Scottish District was established in January 1914 with the aim of promoting co-operation between companies in the North. The District was dominated by the Aberdeen Battalion and the Inverness Battalion who aimed to guide the majority of companies in the North who were attached to no Battalion.
With the abolition of Districts in 1997 the North Scottish Area was set up a successor body guided largely by the same aims of the District, with more limited powers due to centralisation. The NSA is a voluntary unit with promotes competition, friendship and opportunity across the North.
One important role of the Area retained from the District is in Training, the North having a very active and dedicated team.
The Area is governed by an Executive which is headed by a President. The Executive is voted on by the membership annually at conference at which an AGM is held.
NSA Executive
- President: James Allan
- Vice-President: Michael Strachan
- Secretary: Jenny Sclater
- Treasurer: Eric Halkett
- KB Co-ordinator: Michael MacAulay
- Training Convenor: Iain Hamilton
- NSA Rep on Scotland Committee: Michael Strachan
- NSA U26 Rep on Scotland Committee: Ross Duthie
- Honorary President: Esther Slater
- Honorary Vice-President: Gordon Pirie MBE
- Honorary Vice-President: James Muirhead MBE
- Honorary Vice-President: Tom Boyle
- Honorary Vice-President: John Robertson
- Honorary Vice-President: George Souden
Battalion Reps
- Aberdeen & District: TBC
- Banffshire: TBC
- Buchan: Marc Thomson & Ross Duthie (U26)
- Highland: Lynne Forbes & Duncan Mackight (U26)
- Moray: TBC
- Orkney : Esther Slater
- Stornoway: TBC